Support is out there
In Australia, we are fortunate to have access to many organisations that offer support and information for people experiencing mental ill-health and their families.
We encourage you to learn about many of these incredible services.
And if you are ever feeling desperate or overwhelmed, please call one of the 24/7 emergency numbers below.
24/7 Emergency
Emergency: 000
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
1800 RESPECT (National sexual assault, domestic/family violence) -- 1800 737 732
Beyond Blue -- 1300 224 636
Bullying Zero Australia -- 03 9094 3718
Ageing (Older People and Carers) -- 1800 500 853
Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria -- 03 9830 0533
Blue Knot Foundation Helpline (Trauma & Abuse) -- 1300 657 380
Butterfly Foundation Helpline (Eating Disorders) -- 1800 334 673
Child Abuse and Prevention -- 1800 688 009
Child Protection Crisis Line -- 13 12 78
DirectLine (Drug & Alcohol) -- 1800 888 236
Eating Disorders Australia -- 1300 550 236
Emergency Assistance -- 000
Family Drug Support -- 1300 368 186
Family Relationship Advice Line -- 1800 050 321
Gay and Lesbian Switchboard -- 1800 184 527
Gambler’s Help -- 1800 858 858
GP After Hours Help Line -- 1800 022 222
Grief Line -- 1300 845 745
Headspace -- 1800 650 890
Homeless Hotline -- 1800 474 753
Interpreter Services -- 131 450
Launch Housing (Crisis Accommodation) -- 1800 825 955
Medicines Line -- 1300 633 424
Melbourne Homeless Services -- 1800 627 727
Mensline Australia -- 1300 789 978
Men's Referral Service (Domestic Violence) -- 1300 766 491
Mentis Assist -- 1300 636 847
Neami Access -- 1300 379 462
OCD & Anxiety Helpline (VIC) -- 1300 269 438
Open Arms (Veterans & Veterans Family Counselling) -- 1800 011 046
PANDA Helpline (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression) -- 1300 726 306
Parent Line -- 1300 30 1300
Poisons Information Service -- 13 11 26
Quit Line -- 13 78 48
Respect Line (Family Violence) -- 1800 737 732
Safe Steps (Family Violence support) -- 1800 015 188
SANE Helpline (Mental Health) -- 1800 187 263
Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria -- 1800 806 292
SIDS and Kids -- 1300 308 307
Step Together (Violent Extremism) -- 1800 875 204
Suicide Call Back Service -- 1300 659 467
Suicide Line (VIC) -- 1300 651 251
The Blue Knot Foundation (Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse) -- 1300 657 380
The Line (Young people in relationships) -- 1800 695 463
The Salvation Army -- 1300 363 622
Tresillian (Parents of children 0-5 years from Child and Family Health Nurses) -- 1800 637 357
Women’s Information and Referral Exchange -- 1300 134 130
Womensline (Domestic & Family Violence) -- 1800 811 811