
Here’s your key to worrying less

10 May 2018


If you’re worrying frequently and persistently, then chances are it’s interfering with your work, health, relationships and overall quality of life.

But did you know there’s one simple thing you can do to worry less?

It’s called scheduling time to worry – and it can have a powerful, positive impact on your life. Surprisingly, studies show that a ‘worry schedule’ can actually reduce the time you spend worrying.

And here’s why: scheduling time to worry helps you set limits, which makes worrying less habitual, intense and frequent.

So how do you do it? Here are a few tips:

Identify the problem

The first step is identifying the issue that’s causing you to worry.

It’s important to distinguish your worries. If your problem can be resolved through immediate action, don’t wait. But if your problem can’t be fixed in a day, develop a plan detailing how you’ll alleviate the source of your stress.

Question yourself

After identifying the problem, take a moment to ask yourself:

  • Will it help to worry about it?
  • How can the problem be resolved?
  • Is that resolution realistic?

By challenging what we tell ourselves, we can overcome harmful thoughts.

Pick the perfect time

Select the best time to worry, such as when you’re at home (but not right before sleeping). When it’s not your scheduled time, try focusing your attention on something else.

Use a tracking tool

We recommend using smart device applications such as ‘ReachOut Worry Time’ to keep track of your worries and the times scheduled to think about them.

Believe us, you’ll thank yourself for it.

But if you need more support, the team at Positive Psychology is here. We’ll help you develop a detailed plan and implement easy techniques to manage your worries – once and for all. Call us on 1300 995 636 to learn more.